Vendor match-making service
Vetted, curated, and available vendors all within your budget. Hand selected by an expert team.
Photo Booth
Live Entertainment
Hair & Makeup
Different by design. Other platforms act like billboards showing you vendors that paid them the most. We take a different approach.

We meet with you to understand your vision

REview and feedback

We curate a list of vendors that match

Book in app

Pre-negotiated pricing and guaranteed availability

Today, platforms show you the vendors that paid them for placement.
Most event platforms are based on vendor advertising, we're based on client matchmaking.
By contrast, we show you vendors that match your vision the best.
We curate, negotiate price, and confirm availability. No more requesting quotes.
A modern professional events team
We’re a team of  producers, designers, architects, and engineers.
A modern professional events team
We’re a team of  producers, designers, architects, and engineers.
Talk to an expert
Different by design
We know this isn't how things are normally done, but we think it should. If you have any questions. please check out the common questions below or reach out to the team for a consult.
Common questions
How does vendor matching work?

It starts with a live consultation with our team, where you describe your event vision. Tell us specific vendors you’re looking for (e.g. venue, catering, photography, etc.) and tell us more about what you see (cultural specifics, color palettes, styles, feels, looks).  We’ll then curate a list of vendors for each of your categories, ensuring they’re available and in your budget.

How is vendor matching different than planning?

With our vendor matching service we focus on finding and booking vendors. Our full service planning is a complete event offering from conception through execution.  

How do you make money?

We charge a service fee for vendor matching proportionate to the number of vendors and complexity of the search.

Why am I seeing these vendors?

Our expert team has scoured to find you the perfect match of service that’s available at your date and within your budget.  

Where is the service available?

We offer vendor curation globally and have produced events in multiple countries and continents.

What is The Function

We’ve built an app to make this process easier, more efficient and more effective.  Behind the scenes our team is reaching out to multiple vendors and ensuring they are the perfect fit for your event. After negotiating price and confirming availability, we list the vendor in our app for you to browse, compare, and book!